Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid Story

Car Raid Story- Uncle Todd

When one enters the weather beaten pickup truck of Todd Joyner, they are immediately met with the stench of cigarette smoke. It hits like a wall, while the Febreze car vent clip does little to mask the odor. He often smokes to relieve himself of the stress caused by day after day of driving cross country to deliver parts and machinery. One will also inevitably puzzle at the disorderly pile of tools scattered behind the front seat. He often finds himself fixing appliances around the house and other odd jobs his friends and family ask of him. Despite his own preoccupations, Todd is constantly willing to help others. He utilizes long drives and mechanical tasks as a chance to clear his head. His cup holder contains a can of Dr.Pepper. He would describe it as half full, in compliance with his optimistic lifestyle. He has seen many hardships: poverty, homelessness, a single mother, and being responsible for himself and his two younger brothers from a very young age. He uses smoking and caffeine to cope with stress, as can be seen in the smoke wrenched air and the many soda cans strewn throughout the vehicle. Despite the trespasses, Todd constantly wears a smile. His troubles taught him that he must work hard for everything he wants, and he appreciates even the littlest things in life. He keeps a picture next to the cup holder of his car. It features his two children, Crystal and Justin Joyner, when they were very young at the beach with their father. It shows a much younger Todd grinning and looking at his children affectionately. He speaks fondly of his family, and often he stresses that in the end, family is all that really matters. Though they are all grown, Todd continues to help and look out for his two brothers, John and Tim. He also draws strength from a picture of him and his girlfriend, Tracy, that also sits in his cup holder. In the photo, the couple appears next to Mickey Mouse at Disney Land. They are both to his left, while Tracy puts her arm around Todd, and he affectionately shows bunny ears above her head. This photo shows the fun and whimsical side of Todd, which sharply contrasts the depressed image typically assigned to those who endured hardships. When asked how he managed to get through rough times he stated that, "As long as I have the ones that I love by my side, I can overcome any obstacles." Though he struggles with addiction and gets lonely on the long deliveries his work requires of him, Todd is kind, funny, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand. His life has taught him that everyone needs help sometimes, and he's made it his mission to help whoever is in need and to protect his family.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. I will do the car raid with my Uncle Todd's car.
2. I will do the car raid this weekend.
3. How much time do you spend in the car?
What is the significance of the items in your car?
Is this how your car looks most often?
How do you describe yourself as a person?
What item has been in your car the longest?
4. I will write down what I find in the car, describe the item, describe its location, and how all these relate to the owner.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Merger Photo

CE 6.3

1. Whole Foods was preparing a countersuit, but they aren't going through with it because the pastor admitted his claims were false and apologized.
2. A baby bison had to be euthanized after two tourists decided it looked cold and put it in the back of their car.
3. Geofilters are designs or icons that can be applied to photos or videos taken within the app Snapchat to show the user's location.
4. It is significant that Warren Buffett bought 9.8 million shares of Apple stock because he typically avoided tech companies due to the fact it is hard to know which will do well long term.
5. Captain America: Civil War, The Jungle Book, Money Monster, The Darkness, and Mother's Day were the 5 top grossing movies this week.
Short Answer: I would probably go to Harry Potter World over Disney World. I am a huge fan of the books and movies, and it seems like Harry Potter World has a lot more unique and memorable attractions. Because of Universal Studios's quality rides and recent upgrades the two theme parks may be rivaling for first place. My favorite Disney character would probably be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was always kind, she saw the best in people, she could think for herself, and she continued to read and support her father even when the entire village called her odd. I would belong to the house Ravenclaw because I value intelligence a lot, and my abilities are largely analytical.

Friday, May 13, 2016

HDR Images

Merger Photo

1. It could be a problem in the merger photo if the subject is not equal distant from its self, if lighting or the scene changes, or if the camera is a different distance or angle between photos.
2. It would be great to do this behind the school because the natural background is scenic and not many people are walking around behind it.
3. I could do something where it looked like there was motion, like go from standing still, to shots of more and more motion.
4. I could wear something that isn't too loose, so it won't change form throughout the shots.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning Warm Up

1. I would like to shoot this assignment this weekend
2. I would shoot at my house
3. I would like to do it about my sister and her preparing for dance and competitions, but I may have to find a new subject if she is unavailable.
4. I would need a camera and hopefully a tripod.
5. I will use the photos more in the beginning, and videos near the end to show her finished routines and what she has accomplished. My narration will be mainly during still images so I don't interrupt what is going on in the video.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Photo Illustrations

HDR Photography Intro

1. You will have to adjust the camera's shutter speed/aperture factors for each of the photos.
2. We will use cameras and their settings, tripods, and an online software(Photomatix or Luminance HDR) to make the images.
3. Someone might make a HDR to portray a real scene that is difficult to capture under normal settings, or they might want to create an unrealistic and artsy scene by blending different images.
4. Once we merge the photos together, we will see the same scene, but with more vivid contrast between colors and shading of the photo.

Movie Review

Captain Phillips Makes Waves in the Box Office

"Captain Phillips," is an emotional drama with a plot based on the true events of Captain Richard Phillips, as portrayed by Tom Hanks, and his crew's encounter with four Somali pirates. When pirates make their way on board the Maersk Alabama, it is clearly evident, through Tom Hanks's heartfelt portrayal, that Phillips's first priority is the safety of his crew. The crew perseveres and manages to get the pirates to leave, but not without taking their captain hostage. He spends the next 5 days in the lifeboat with his four captors. Barkhad Abdi plays Abduwali Muse, leader of the pirates. His remarkable acting of both harshness and inner conflict made the film all too real. The other pirates were Barkhad Abdirahman as Bilal, Faysal Ahmed as Najee, and Mahat M. Ali as Elmi. Barkhad Abdirahman's portrayal of Bilal, the youngest and most compassionate pirate, induced empathy from both Captain Phillips and the audience. It made the film much more human, and struck a meaningful connection with the viewers. The movie incorporates violent scenes and adult situations that, while bringing the story to life, are not very suitable for children. I would suggest demographic audience to be young adults and older who are more comfortable with intense situations. A major topic that emerged in the story was fate and environmental situations. The movie presents the thought provoking idea that the pirates were destined for that lifestyle because it is the best career opportunity available in their lifestyle. Muse gives the important and relevant idea that opportunity for a better life might exist in America, but that is not the case in other parts of the world. I thought this movie was well written, well portrayed, and well carried out by the directing style of Paul Greengrass. I felt his hand held camera shots and the impossibly realistic film setting added to the authenticity of the film. I felt that the film created great suspense in the beginning and end, but lost some of its magic touch near the middle of the film, where the film seemed to stray of course with the Alabama life boat. I was very fond of the non-traditional ending of the story, leaving the audience with a very different kind of closure. This movie was filled with complex, intertwining story of pirates and and a captain, that is further complicated with the introduction of the military. Greengrass seamlessly linked these stories together in what is a masterful and awe inspiring film. I would rate this film 9 out of 10 hearts, and I highly recommend it.

CE 6.2

1. 56% of voters rejected Proposition 1.
2. The provision is saying that the licensed owner of the gun cannot have ammunition in the gun on campus.
3. Experts say El Chapo's new prison is not a good place to hold him because it is a less secure prison and is located in an area largely controlled by El Chapo's cartel.
4. Petcube is a device that allows buyers to see what their pets are doing, as well as talk/play with their pets remotely.
5. A horse named Nyquist won the Kentucky Derby yesterday.

Short Answer: I have never used Uber or Lyft to get a ride anywhere. I would probably use ride sharing in the future. I think ride sharing is beneficial to a community like Austin.  It's such a large community, and there is definitely a market for Uber and Lyft type services. The difference between taxi services and ride sharing services is that Uber and Lyft are more privatized and have their own specific policy. All services should be held to the same standard regarding safety. Drivers have the responsibility for the safety of their passengers, themselves, and riders of other vehicles. It is important all transportation services are keeping people safe.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Movie Review #2

Movie Review #2

1. National Post
2. Chris Knight
3. 9
4. He thinks the high points were the suspenseful elements, the acting abilities to show resourcefulness in both the pirates and the prisoners, and the different kind of closure the movie ended with.
5. He thinks some low points were that there were some plot particulars, and the tenseness of the movie may not correspond fairly with what happened in the actual event.
6. "Captain Phillips is a survival story of the second kind, and it’s stronger for it. The only time we see Hanks’ character’s wife (Catherine Keener) is in the opening scene as he’s heading off to port. In an almost comic parallel, Phillips talks about how difficult it is for young people to find work and rise to captain these days; the scene then changes to a coastal village in Somalia, where men jostle for a job as a pirate."

Movie Review #1

Movie Review #1

1. Entertainment Weekly 
2. Owen Gleiberman
3. 8
4. He said the high points of the movie were Greengrass's filming style, Barkhad Abdi's acting, and the movie's ability to build suspense.
5. He feels the low points of the movie were the overused handheld camera technique, and the slow points of the story during the life boat scenes that didn't allow the audience to discover anything for themselves.
6. "Phillips sends the pirates on a wild goose chase throughout the massive ship, and Captain Phillips becomes a gripping life-or-death chess game: Who will survive? Who will outwit whom? But in the second half, when Phillips is forced to board an enclosed lifeboat along with the pirates, the film’s suspense begins to ebb."

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Movie Prep

1. I would expect the main characters to be Captain Richard Philips, the Somali pirates, and the members of the crew. Other characters would be the military members who rescued him.
2. I would expect the movie to take place on the ship where Captain Phillips was before the pirates attacked. The ship will go on its route as planned, until pirates come aboard the ship. The pirates leave the ship, but they take Phillips as hostage.
   He will stay in the life boat for 5 days, all while the U.S. is trying to get him free. The whole event gets major news coverage. Eventually, the U.S. kills three of the Somali pirates and imprisons the other. Captain Phillips is set free and goes back to his family.
3. This story was so important because it went on for such a long time for a hostage situation and there had been pirate problems in the past. It also was a successful rescue mission.
4. They tried to take the ship for money.

1. Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed, and Mahat M. Ali are the most important actors in this film.
2. It is rated PG-13.
3. It is directed by Paul Greengrass.
4. The producers are Scott Durin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca.
5. Two major awards of the 16 the film one are BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role(Barkhad Abdi), and Writers Guild of America Award for Best Adapted Screenplay(Billy Ray).
6. It cost $55 million to make. 
7. Many people liked the movie, and it has a very high rating on rotten tomatoes. 
8. Many movie reviews praised the movie, and some said that it was the best movie of the year.