Friday, November 6, 2015

Social Media Opinions Piece

Social Media

I think that social media can be a fun way to keep in touch with friends, and a place of self expression for our ideas.

Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube, and Vine are a few of the many social media platforms used widely today. Social media allows users to post information about their lives to entertain or inform their "followers." It helps users learn more about others and communicate with friends and colleagues.

Some people don't agree with social media because it can be used to bully and start unnecessary conflict with others. They may also feel that it is a waste of time, and distracts people from completing important tasks. It is also a common opinion that it is unsafe to put personal information out for anyone to see.

Though social media can be used to bully, it is not the cause of the bullying. Bullying can be done through face to face interaction and texting, so it is unfair to blame social media outlets for this issue. It is also becoming increasingly common for schools to teach students the harms of cyber bullying and the importance of staying safe online.

The idea of social media being a waste of time is a generalization that is in many ways untrue. LinkedIn is used by working professionals to communicate and collaborate affectively. Social Media platforms are often used to get important information out quickly to a large amount of people. In recent years, social media has been commonly used to help grow businesses, and it has even helped a few people achieve fame. Though some may neglect their work to use social media, I think the majority of people find a way to get their work done and have free time to enjoy the different social media platforms.

There is a concern of personal information getting out on the internet, but social media outlets make options available to users to keep their data confidential. Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and numerous others give users the authority to decide who views their information and the ability to block other users from seeing their information. Users will never have to post more information than they feel comfortable with sharing, so there isn't an issue with privacy.

In a survey of 1,000 teenagers, 52% said that social media has improved their relationships with friends, and only 4% felt social media worsened the relationships. (CNN) According to Shira Lee Katz, Common Sense Media's director of digital media, social media gives teenagers confidence and makes them feel more outgoing. She described how the impact of social media is primarily positive on teens' social and emotional lives.

Self expression is an essential part of adolescence and growing older. Social media allows teenagers to show off their ideas, creativity, and events of their life to their followers. It is important for youth to have a voice, and this gives teens a platform to share their opinions and stories.

I feel that the involvement of social media in our lives benefits our relationships with others and helps us better understand the world around us.

529 Words


  1. I really liked your article. You spoke very firmly and persuasively and countered the other side's opinion in many good ways. I think you could give a few more positive points to your opinion to support it, but aside from that I thought your story was very good.

  2. I really liked your opinion and how you managed to go against the majority of what people think about social media. I think one thing you could work on would be to be straight forward about your opinion. At the beginning I couldn't tell if you were for or against social media exactly, but towards the middle and end it got really good!

  3. I think your article is very good and your opinion is well stated. You also gave good information from both sides.

  4. I agree with your opinion on this topic. I think it's a good counter to many misconceptions that are growing with the rise of social media, and you provided facts to back it up. I think you should explain how social media allows for self-expression, and how that can benefit kids in school.
