Sunday, January 31, 2016

CE 4.2

1. Austin ISD has an enrollment of 83,591 students.
2. Big Ben National Park would be swapping 607 acres of public land for 1,185 acres of private land from the neighboring LaMota Ranch.
3. The Pantone colors of the year are Rose Quartz and Serenity blue.
4. I don't know anyone who just colors for fun. I think it's a cool new trend, and it's good when people find relaxing and enjoyable activities that work for them.
5. I would like to see the Mass Gallery's "Staycation" exhibits because I love looking at art, and there are many really talented local artists in Austin.

The major cause of global warming is human emissions of greenhouse gases. A consequence of global warming is that the air can hold more water vapor, creating more intense rainstorms. Rain has been growing heavier across every region of the United States, especially the East. Higher global temperature will throw off world wide weather patterns. I am worried about global warming, but it is an issue that is hard to relate to because you can't always directly see the damage. We as a society could start going more green by using low emission vehicles, conserving energy usage, and carpooling to work or school. I do think global warming is a major issue facing the world today, but I think terrorism and human rights issues should have precedent over global warming.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

The doctor put a hand on her arm and said gently, "You or the baby will survive. Not both. I'm sorry."

He reduced me to tears twice that year
Once because I bore a child
Twice because we wouldn't meet
I wept for Emma, or Charles, still to be determined
His apology rung hollow
A raindrop to my flames
The fate of two lives rested in my hands
Was it my fear of the unknown
Was it to spare her the pain of cruel existence
Or was it my human need for self preservation
That led to her untimely demise
It was my traits alone that faulted her
Emma wasn't petty
Never burned a bridge
Or harmed another
And still I,
I of greed and envy
I of fear and sorrow
I of hatred of what I fail to understand
Evaded the call of death
While my angel perished
I would've cared for her
We would waste day after day together
I would serenade her under the peach tree
Where her father rests
Now the two crosses lay in its shade
My fingers trace the freshly disturbed dirt
The most beautiful girl
Who never lived
As I fastened the knot
And readied the cross
A smile pushed through my lips
They were waiting for me
Our perfect family would be complete
And I mustn't keep them waiting

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Prompt Shoot #1 Edits


Prompt Shoot #1





Photography Composition

Simplicity- This photo shows simplicity because the tower is the clear subject and it is up against a simple back drop. 

Rule of Thirds- This photo shows rule of thirds because the subject is in the top third of the photo instead of being centered. 
Leading Lines- This photo shows leading lines because the paths of smoke lead your eye to the subject. 
Balance- This photo shows balance the American flag balances out the rubble sticking up in the background. 
Framing- This photo shows framing because the man is framed by the ground and the buildings on each side of him.

Merger- This photo has a merger because it looks like the light is on top of or going through the firefighter's head. 
 Symmetry and Patterns- This photo shows symmetry and patterns because the straight lines running down the building repeat.
Viewpoint- This photo shows viewpoint because it shows the scene from a bird's eye view instead of a basic forward shot from ground level. 
Create Depth- This photo shows depth because it includes the city behind the Twin Towers, and it shows the horizon. 
Cropping- This shows cropping because the photo only shows part of the tree, and this makes it so we get a closer look at the subject. 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

CE 4.1

1. Five key points listeners can expect are that he will not ask for a lot of things for Congress to pass, he will try to sell them on his past and future accomplishments, social media will have pictures and video of the speech, he will try to influence voters into electing a democrat for the next presidency, and two austinites will be among guests during the speech.
2. Sean Penn had a secret meeting with El Chapo, and he ended up being followed and photographed, which revealed the location of El Chapo.
3. Four of his most famous songs are "Space Oddity," :) "Fame," "Heroes," and "Let's Dance."
4. The projected Powerball lottery payout when the numbers are pulled out wednesday is $1.4 billion.
5. I would definitley love to visit the Star Wars Universe to see all the attractions and movie props, but I would not wait in line for two hours to meet the characters.

Short Answer:
I would buy lottery tickets when the Powerball was very large like it is right now, but I would not buy them very often because it could end up costing me a lot. I also read that statistically, you have a better chance of dying on your way to purchase a lottery ticket than actually winning the lottery. My dad bought three tickets for the lottery. He was very excited when the radio announced that someone from the gas station he purchased his ticket won a sum of money. Unfortunately, it wasn't my dad, but it was really fun and nerve wracking to check our numbers. I would buy a few tickets to partcipate in this record drawing, but I would not buy hundreds of tickets like some others have done.

I would love to win the Powerball jackpot. I would start out with the responsible actions of securing my family's financial future for years to come and donating to several charities. I would definitely put money into cancer research. My uncle is currently fighting pancreatic cancer, and I would pay for him to have the best medical care available. Then, I would do some fun stuff. I would buy a giant mansion in L.A., and a vacation home in Nassau, Bahamas. I would also buy a gorgeous lake house on Lake Travis with a fleet of yachts, jet skis, and speed boats. There, I would throw a party to celebrate my money. We would have every food item imaginable and private concerts from Bruno Mars, Dierks Bently, and Panic! At the disco. Finally, I would fund and self publish novels to start my writing career.

If I only won 3 million, I would still focus on doing the responsible stuff. I would buy a bigger home, and take my friends and family on an amazing cruise in the Carribbean. I would still focus on putting money into my writing career. I would stay in school to get my high school diploma, but I am not sure if I would go on to further education.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #3

News-Lockdown procedures impact student learning and thoughts
A reverse lockdown was held at Bowie due to extreme weather conditions. The school followed the standard lockdown procedure.
1. Officer Covington, an assistant principal, and Maura Evans
2. "I would be addressing the threat and while I am looking for the threat I also would need to make sure all the students, staff, and the officers I'm with are safe, including me," Covington said.
3. No, the second half of the sentence didn't strongly relate to the story.
4. The conclusion was a cliffhanger that ended in the middle of a sentence.

Commentary-Science Fair is getting too competitive for students
The writer feels that science fair should not be required in the academic curriculum. He thinks students don't need the additional stress and it could conflict with their other classes.
1. No Quotes
2. No Quotes
3. No, when the writer began with "Science fair is cool and all," it made the story seem unprofessional.
4. Statement

Student Life-Pet rescue strikes a cord with a pair of animal lovers
Two juniors at Bowie spend their weekends volunteering. They love animals and volunteer at The Leisure Cat Animal Rescue.
1. Alex Reyes and Fuaad Ajaz
2. "I would tell them about the characteristics of the animal, funny traits, what they like and dislike, the breed, and any questions the adopter has," Reyes said.
3. Yes
4. Quote

Entertainment-Sci-Fi movie excites
Star Wars: The Force Awakens recently came to theaters. Fans were extremely excited for this seventh movie in the series.
1. John Martin and Craig Johnson
2. "I've thought about buying some Jar Jar Binks ears," Martin said. "I think it would be pretty ridiculous."
3. Yes
4. Quote

Athletics-Girls basketball thrives through the seasons challenges
The girls basketball team is almost halfway through a successful season. A lot of the team's success is due to the bond between the players.
1. Vickie Benson, Amber Lotz, and Kianna Ray
2. "If we can stay healthy, we have a really good chance to be playing excellent basketball in January and February," Vickie Benson said.
3. Yes
4. Statement

In-Depth-Bees find a sweet home on campus
A senior at Bowie made it so there are bees and beekeeping classes on campus through the FFA. She has been working towards this goal all four years of her time at Bowie.
1. Lili Benitez, Kiara Gonzales, and Laura Munoz
2. "And they're also just really fascinating creatures and I've always been really interested in beekeeping," Benitez said.
3. Yes
4. Quote

1. My favorite photo is the one from the World War 2 reenactment article. I like it because the subject of the photo is in focus and the rest is slightly blurry. It is a well taken shot, and the black and white makes it seem older.
2. My least favorite photo was with the Trail of Lights article. There were so many beautiful things to photograph in the trail, and the cover photo was the basic image Austinites have seen many times. I would have like to see a more creative photo.
3. I would have to photograph the World War 2 reenactment. There would be a lot of action shots, and the student's passion would show through in the photos.
4. I think the photography was overall really good. The angles and focus showed that there are talented photographers on the staff. I think the paper could do better at finding interesting and more obscure subjects for their photos.

I think it would be interesting to do a story about the debate club. Students in the club spend many weekends and countless hours preparing and attending tournaments. Alison Anagnos would be a great subject for this story.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

The Year In Photos

I liked this photo because it showed a great amount of detail with varying shades of only two colors. You could feel the woman's emotion without seeing her facial expression. I also like how the photographer didn't include the fire in the photo, and they showed the effect of the fire on the woman. 
I really like the contrast of the boldly orange clothes against a green backdrop. The setting is a civilization built by man, but it has been untouched for many years. It combines the beauty of nature and architecture. 
Over a million people took part in the protest against terrorism after terrorists claimed the life of 16 people in France. The eyes are from a picture of Charlie Charbonnier, one of the victims. I think it is amazing how many people will stand up for injustice of a few. When you look at this photo, it is like you are looking in to the eyes of each protester and victim. 
I think Uptown Funk was the best song of 2015 because it was fun, upbeat, and appealed to a wide range of audiences. It attracted more attention because Bruno Mars is a talented live performer, and the song had a very entertaining music video. It was the most watched video of 2015. 
Paper Towns was one of my favorite movies of 2015. It was based on a very popular John Green novel. The dialogue is witty and fun, but the movie incorporates deeper meanings and complex interpersonal relationships between characters. There's an air of mystery as you the audience discovers clues and discovers the truth with Quinn. 
Police brutality was a common theme in the 2015 news stream. Michael Brown, Eric Garner, and many others died or were injured as a result of police brutality. Though it has always been a problem, the issue seemed more prevalent in 2015 than any previous year during my lifetime. 
Donald Trump was the most noteworthy person of 2015. He was the leading GOP presidential candidate. He said a variety of controversial and headline grabbing things throughout the year, but still managed to lead in the poles.

One of the biggest pop culture stories of 2015 was the long term relationship of Kylie Jenner and musician Tyga. The relationship was very controversial because 25 year old Tyga was dating an underage girl. The story was featured on TMZ and other celebrity following news sites for many months. 

1. One fun thing that happened over winter break was that I went to the mall and movies with some friends to see "Daddy's Home."
2. My resolutions for 2016 are to eat healthier and go to Planet Fitness more often than I currently do.
3. I am looking forward to an upcoming debate competition, spending time with friends, and getting my license in 2016.