Thursday, October 15, 2015

Car Accident Story

Who: Roger Clementine, 13, John Jacob Jingleheimer-Smith, 91, Melba Jingleheimer-Smith, 67
What: A car acciden
Where: The intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane (Austin) 
When: 4:45 pm
Why: Roger was violating driving laws
How: Roger's car hit the couple's

AUSTIN-A head on collision occurred at 4:45 at the intersection of First Street and Slaughter Lane when thirteen year old Roger Clementine crashed into the car of John Jacob and Melba Jingleheimer-Smith. Roger and Melba suffered only minor injuries, but John Jacob was in serious condition due to a head injury as of press time this evening. 

"I didn't have any time to react. One moment John and I were driving along as usual, and the next, a young boy was driving a thousand miles per hour straight at us," Melba said. 

Clementine was cited for driving without a license, for speeding and for driving in the wrong lane. 

"I was just driving to the store to get my uncle some milk. I thought I was driving in the lane I was supposed to. The trip was only supposed to take fifteen minutes, and I thought I had watched other people drive enough that I could do it. I didn't mean to hurt anyone," Roger said. 

Clementine was driving a Studebaker and was going 60 miles per hour, traveling west in the far eastbound lane of Slaughter Lane.  The Jingleheimer-Smith's 1989 Yugo Firebelcher was going 10 miles per hour in the same lane, but it was traveling east. 

"I am very disappointed in Roger. I've always taught my son to make rational decisions and respect the  law. He did the very opposite of that," Felicity, Roger's mother said. 

The accident occurred at 4:45 pm, and police and paramedics were on the scene at 4:55 pm. 

"I am very worried about John. During the accident, I could tell there were going to be damages to the car, but I never would have thought my own husband would be in serious condition. He is old and fragile, so I am worried he may never fully recover from the accident," Melba said. 

310 words 

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