Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Opinion Writing Preview

Article 1

1.  Editorial Staff 
2. It is about the FIT days were decided and enforced, and how students were not consulted in this decision making. 
3. "This vote done only by the teachers illustrates a larger problem at our school: students not being taken seriously and given the right to have a say about the schedule."
4. Yes, they give input about why teachers would support FIT twice a week. 
5. They said that FIT time is more important than class time, which goes against their opinion that FIT should be every day and not only twice a week. 
6. No Quotes 
7. First Person 

Article 2

1. Kelsie Stella 
2. It is about how the office is making two documents accessible online for student access. 
3. "I think moving toward a more technology-based system for the two documents, especially at a school like this, is going to prove to be extremely successful." 
4. No
5. No
6. Yes, 1 Quote -themselves 
7. First Person

Article 3

1. Nya Martin 
2. It is about how Blue Bell products that were infected with Listeria caused ten sicknesses and three deaths. 
3. "...if a mistake that could've been avoided by doing your job drastically affects other people's lives, you should be held accountable and punished." 
4. No 
5. No 
6. No Quotes 
7. First Person 

Article 4 

1. Annika Holm 
2. It is about the things she doesn't like about pep rally's, and how she thinks they could be improved. 
3. "The problem with pep rallies is that they don't inspire pep, nor do they rally support for the school."
4. No
5. Yes, she starts by giving the idea that pep rallies are pointless, and then changes it to the idea that pep rallies would be better if they changed things. 
6. No Quotes 
7. First Person 

Article 5 

1. Melissa Weprin 
2.  It is about how having SEL lessons placed into World Geography lessons may be an ineffective way to teach students the information. 
3. " has a lot of potential to be helpful to students, but it seems to not be working in the way students and administrators had hoped."
4. Yes, she recognizes the purpose it was created for. 
5. No 
6. No 
7. First Person 

Article 6 

1. Amaya Marquez 
2. All sports should get equal treatment, and club sports should have a class dedicated to them.
3. "...those sports teams should be able to have classes just like the others."
4.  No 
5. No
6. Yes, 1 Quote -herself 
7. First Person 

A. Major differences between a hard news story and an opinions piece are...
1. Opinions pieces are in third person, and hard news stories are in third person. 
2. Hard news stories give you the news objectively, and opinions pieces give a clear side of an argument. 
3. Hard news stories have many quotes, opinion pieces have little or no quotes. 

B. There aren't many pictures because they aren't about a very specific, recent incident that they were there to photograph. They are opinions about general topics. 

C. Controversial Jack the Ripper museum, child autonomy for medical choices, and promoting a healthier lifestyle in the U.S. 

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