Wednesday, October 7, 2015

The Big Day

Who: Nick Cross
What: Stopped the wedding of Annabelle Lee Grayson
Where: the United Methodist Chapel
Why: He was in love with Annabelle
When: October 4, 2015
How: He ran in before the ceremony had finished

AUSTIN-On October 4, 2015, Nicholas Cross interrupted the wedding of Annabelle Lee Grayson and Michael Frost by running into the United Methodist Chapel during their ceremony. Shortly after this, Frost called of his marriage to Annabelle.

"I love Annabelle Lee, and I know that she feels the same way about me. If I didn't try to stop the wedding, I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life," Cross said.

Annabelle knew she had feelings for Nick, but was unsure if they were strong enough to call off her engagement.

"I care about Nick very deeply, but I wasn't sure if it would be enough to call off the wedding. I had already accepted Michael's proposal, and everyone was excited about the marriage. I didn't want Michael to get hurt," Grayson said.

After Nick's entrance, Annabelle's then fiancé Michael left the chapel, and he later announced there would not be a wedding.

"I was very surprised and angry when I saw Nick run in. I used to think Anna and I told each other everything, but now, I feel like I don't even know her," Frost said.

Nick and Annabelle have been good friends ever since their sophomore year in high school.

"I first met Anna during our tenth grade year. We had almost all the same classes, and we quickly became friends. It wasn't until my senior year that I realized that I wanted to be more than friends. I kept neglecting to tell her because I thought it would ruin our friendship," Cross said.

Annabelle's father Jeffrey disapproves of her feelings for Nick.

"I told Annabelle that Nicholas boy was trouble, but she never listens to me. Michael has a good job and knows how to take care of a woman. All Nicholas has is a Volkswagen, and I'm pretty sure he sleeps in it," Jeffrey Grayson said.

Nick intended to tell his feelings to Annabelle before the wedding, but the drive there took longer than he expected.

"I had never been to the wedding venue, and I thought it would be much closer. I drove through countryside and forest before eventually getting into the urban area in Austin were the wedding was held," Cross said.

Annabelle is unsure about what the future holds for her and Nick.

"People keep asking me what I'm going to do, and honestly, I'm not sure. I'm hoping Michael and I can remain friends, but he is currently not speaking to me. I don't what the relationship is between me and Nick, but we love each other. It just took me way too long to figure it out," Grayson said.

442 Words

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