Monday, May 23, 2016

Car Raid Story

Car Raid Story- Uncle Todd

When one enters the weather beaten pickup truck of Todd Joyner, they are immediately met with the stench of cigarette smoke. It hits like a wall, while the Febreze car vent clip does little to mask the odor. He often smokes to relieve himself of the stress caused by day after day of driving cross country to deliver parts and machinery. One will also inevitably puzzle at the disorderly pile of tools scattered behind the front seat. He often finds himself fixing appliances around the house and other odd jobs his friends and family ask of him. Despite his own preoccupations, Todd is constantly willing to help others. He utilizes long drives and mechanical tasks as a chance to clear his head. His cup holder contains a can of Dr.Pepper. He would describe it as half full, in compliance with his optimistic lifestyle. He has seen many hardships: poverty, homelessness, a single mother, and being responsible for himself and his two younger brothers from a very young age. He uses smoking and caffeine to cope with stress, as can be seen in the smoke wrenched air and the many soda cans strewn throughout the vehicle. Despite the trespasses, Todd constantly wears a smile. His troubles taught him that he must work hard for everything he wants, and he appreciates even the littlest things in life. He keeps a picture next to the cup holder of his car. It features his two children, Crystal and Justin Joyner, when they were very young at the beach with their father. It shows a much younger Todd grinning and looking at his children affectionately. He speaks fondly of his family, and often he stresses that in the end, family is all that really matters. Though they are all grown, Todd continues to help and look out for his two brothers, John and Tim. He also draws strength from a picture of him and his girlfriend, Tracy, that also sits in his cup holder. In the photo, the couple appears next to Mickey Mouse at Disney Land. They are both to his left, while Tracy puts her arm around Todd, and he affectionately shows bunny ears above her head. This photo shows the fun and whimsical side of Todd, which sharply contrasts the depressed image typically assigned to those who endured hardships. When asked how he managed to get through rough times he stated that, "As long as I have the ones that I love by my side, I can overcome any obstacles." Though he struggles with addiction and gets lonely on the long deliveries his work requires of him, Todd is kind, funny, compassionate, and always willing to lend a helping hand. His life has taught him that everyone needs help sometimes, and he's made it his mission to help whoever is in need and to protect his family.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. I will do the car raid with my Uncle Todd's car.
2. I will do the car raid this weekend.
3. How much time do you spend in the car?
What is the significance of the items in your car?
Is this how your car looks most often?
How do you describe yourself as a person?
What item has been in your car the longest?
4. I will write down what I find in the car, describe the item, describe its location, and how all these relate to the owner.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Merger Photo

CE 6.3

1. Whole Foods was preparing a countersuit, but they aren't going through with it because the pastor admitted his claims were false and apologized.
2. A baby bison had to be euthanized after two tourists decided it looked cold and put it in the back of their car.
3. Geofilters are designs or icons that can be applied to photos or videos taken within the app Snapchat to show the user's location.
4. It is significant that Warren Buffett bought 9.8 million shares of Apple stock because he typically avoided tech companies due to the fact it is hard to know which will do well long term.
5. Captain America: Civil War, The Jungle Book, Money Monster, The Darkness, and Mother's Day were the 5 top grossing movies this week.
Short Answer: I would probably go to Harry Potter World over Disney World. I am a huge fan of the books and movies, and it seems like Harry Potter World has a lot more unique and memorable attractions. Because of Universal Studios's quality rides and recent upgrades the two theme parks may be rivaling for first place. My favorite Disney character would probably be Belle from Beauty and the Beast. She was always kind, she saw the best in people, she could think for herself, and she continued to read and support her father even when the entire village called her odd. I would belong to the house Ravenclaw because I value intelligence a lot, and my abilities are largely analytical.

Friday, May 13, 2016

HDR Images

Merger Photo

1. It could be a problem in the merger photo if the subject is not equal distant from its self, if lighting or the scene changes, or if the camera is a different distance or angle between photos.
2. It would be great to do this behind the school because the natural background is scenic and not many people are walking around behind it.
3. I could do something where it looked like there was motion, like go from standing still, to shots of more and more motion.
4. I could wear something that isn't too loose, so it won't change form throughout the shots.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Final Exam Planning Warm Up

1. I would like to shoot this assignment this weekend
2. I would shoot at my house
3. I would like to do it about my sister and her preparing for dance and competitions, but I may have to find a new subject if she is unavailable.
4. I would need a camera and hopefully a tripod.
5. I will use the photos more in the beginning, and videos near the end to show her finished routines and what she has accomplished. My narration will be mainly during still images so I don't interrupt what is going on in the video.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Photo Illustrations

HDR Photography Intro

1. You will have to adjust the camera's shutter speed/aperture factors for each of the photos.
2. We will use cameras and their settings, tripods, and an online software(Photomatix or Luminance HDR) to make the images.
3. Someone might make a HDR to portray a real scene that is difficult to capture under normal settings, or they might want to create an unrealistic and artsy scene by blending different images.
4. Once we merge the photos together, we will see the same scene, but with more vivid contrast between colors and shading of the photo.

Movie Review

Captain Phillips Makes Waves in the Box Office

"Captain Phillips," is an emotional drama with a plot based on the true events of Captain Richard Phillips, as portrayed by Tom Hanks, and his crew's encounter with four Somali pirates. When pirates make their way on board the Maersk Alabama, it is clearly evident, through Tom Hanks's heartfelt portrayal, that Phillips's first priority is the safety of his crew. The crew perseveres and manages to get the pirates to leave, but not without taking their captain hostage. He spends the next 5 days in the lifeboat with his four captors. Barkhad Abdi plays Abduwali Muse, leader of the pirates. His remarkable acting of both harshness and inner conflict made the film all too real. The other pirates were Barkhad Abdirahman as Bilal, Faysal Ahmed as Najee, and Mahat M. Ali as Elmi. Barkhad Abdirahman's portrayal of Bilal, the youngest and most compassionate pirate, induced empathy from both Captain Phillips and the audience. It made the film much more human, and struck a meaningful connection with the viewers. The movie incorporates violent scenes and adult situations that, while bringing the story to life, are not very suitable for children. I would suggest demographic audience to be young adults and older who are more comfortable with intense situations. A major topic that emerged in the story was fate and environmental situations. The movie presents the thought provoking idea that the pirates were destined for that lifestyle because it is the best career opportunity available in their lifestyle. Muse gives the important and relevant idea that opportunity for a better life might exist in America, but that is not the case in other parts of the world. I thought this movie was well written, well portrayed, and well carried out by the directing style of Paul Greengrass. I felt his hand held camera shots and the impossibly realistic film setting added to the authenticity of the film. I felt that the film created great suspense in the beginning and end, but lost some of its magic touch near the middle of the film, where the film seemed to stray of course with the Alabama life boat. I was very fond of the non-traditional ending of the story, leaving the audience with a very different kind of closure. This movie was filled with complex, intertwining story of pirates and and a captain, that is further complicated with the introduction of the military. Greengrass seamlessly linked these stories together in what is a masterful and awe inspiring film. I would rate this film 9 out of 10 hearts, and I highly recommend it.

CE 6.2

1. 56% of voters rejected Proposition 1.
2. The provision is saying that the licensed owner of the gun cannot have ammunition in the gun on campus.
3. Experts say El Chapo's new prison is not a good place to hold him because it is a less secure prison and is located in an area largely controlled by El Chapo's cartel.
4. Petcube is a device that allows buyers to see what their pets are doing, as well as talk/play with their pets remotely.
5. A horse named Nyquist won the Kentucky Derby yesterday.

Short Answer: I have never used Uber or Lyft to get a ride anywhere. I would probably use ride sharing in the future. I think ride sharing is beneficial to a community like Austin.  It's such a large community, and there is definitely a market for Uber and Lyft type services. The difference between taxi services and ride sharing services is that Uber and Lyft are more privatized and have their own specific policy. All services should be held to the same standard regarding safety. Drivers have the responsibility for the safety of their passengers, themselves, and riders of other vehicles. It is important all transportation services are keeping people safe.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Movie Review #2

Movie Review #2

1. National Post
2. Chris Knight
3. 9
4. He thinks the high points were the suspenseful elements, the acting abilities to show resourcefulness in both the pirates and the prisoners, and the different kind of closure the movie ended with.
5. He thinks some low points were that there were some plot particulars, and the tenseness of the movie may not correspond fairly with what happened in the actual event.
6. "Captain Phillips is a survival story of the second kind, and it’s stronger for it. The only time we see Hanks’ character’s wife (Catherine Keener) is in the opening scene as he’s heading off to port. In an almost comic parallel, Phillips talks about how difficult it is for young people to find work and rise to captain these days; the scene then changes to a coastal village in Somalia, where men jostle for a job as a pirate."

Movie Review #1

Movie Review #1

1. Entertainment Weekly 
2. Owen Gleiberman
3. 8
4. He said the high points of the movie were Greengrass's filming style, Barkhad Abdi's acting, and the movie's ability to build suspense.
5. He feels the low points of the movie were the overused handheld camera technique, and the slow points of the story during the life boat scenes that didn't allow the audience to discover anything for themselves.
6. "Phillips sends the pirates on a wild goose chase throughout the massive ship, and Captain Phillips becomes a gripping life-or-death chess game: Who will survive? Who will outwit whom? But in the second half, when Phillips is forced to board an enclosed lifeboat along with the pirates, the film’s suspense begins to ebb."

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Movie Prep

1. I would expect the main characters to be Captain Richard Philips, the Somali pirates, and the members of the crew. Other characters would be the military members who rescued him.
2. I would expect the movie to take place on the ship where Captain Phillips was before the pirates attacked. The ship will go on its route as planned, until pirates come aboard the ship. The pirates leave the ship, but they take Phillips as hostage.
   He will stay in the life boat for 5 days, all while the U.S. is trying to get him free. The whole event gets major news coverage. Eventually, the U.S. kills three of the Somali pirates and imprisons the other. Captain Phillips is set free and goes back to his family.
3. This story was so important because it went on for such a long time for a hostage situation and there had been pirate problems in the past. It also was a successful rescue mission.
4. They tried to take the ship for money.

1. Tom Hanks, Barkhad Abdi, Barkhad Abdirahman, Faysal Ahmed, and Mahat M. Ali are the most important actors in this film.
2. It is rated PG-13.
3. It is directed by Paul Greengrass.
4. The producers are Scott Durin, Dana Brunetti, and Michael De Luca.
5. Two major awards of the 16 the film one are BAFTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role(Barkhad Abdi), and Writers Guild of America Award for Best Adapted Screenplay(Billy Ray).
6. It cost $55 million to make. 
7. Many people liked the movie, and it has a very high rating on rotten tomatoes. 
8. Many movie reviews praised the movie, and some said that it was the best movie of the year.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Final Exam Preview Assignment

1. The videos taught me that how to name and create a video on I movie. The bar on the right can be used for adding a title slide, subtitles, and controlling how long you want the slides to show for. There are a variety of special effects and the video maker can control where the effects are place on the screen.
    I also learned how to export the videos once the project is completed. The video segments can be broken up, and you can change there order of images/videos at any time. You can also overlay the video with music and audio.
2. I already knew how to break videos into smaller pieces and choose what parts you would like to use.
3. I learned that you can actually choose where certain special effects impact the screen and for how long.
4. I am concerned about using the camera and adding audio to the movie.
5. I am confident I can get my shooting done in advance.
6. I will probably document something that has to do with my life or someone close to me.

CE 6.1

1. Harriet Tubman will replace Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.
2. A Texas teachers union is suing the head of the state education agency because of teacher evaluation system that bases its rating on student test score performance.
3. Eight people have died in Houston due to whether related accidents after this past week's recent flooding.
4. The subject of the experiment that Westlake students will send into space is algae, and they chose the subject due to its many uses.
5. Four ways to change the look of your room are to change the layout of items in the room, paint the walls a new color, adding a strategically place rug, and having multiple light sources in the room.

Short Answer: My reaction to the story was really upset. The role of the government was created to protect the people, and in this instance, the government directly used its power to put citizens in harm's way. I heard about this issue about a month ago in my geography class. The people who knew about the problem and tried to cover up the issue should definitely face trial. They put a lot of people in danger, and especially hurt the children. The Governor and any further connections should face the same legal punishment. The Governor not only denied taking part in the situation, he denied that there were any issues with the tap water, despite proof that the lead content in the water was harming children. I think there is significant enough evidence against the Governor for a trail, and I understand  why many people want to elect a new Governor of Michigan.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Writing Prompt

Write about nature. hard drive stapler phone car billboard 

I burst into the forrest. Among the green and growing to escape the ills of office life. I come to find peace from the bustle and noise of my work a day life. Only to learn that nature has more commotion and productivity than any cubicle has ever seen. Why, this forrest is not but the busiest office I've ever seen. The constant birds calling the mindless phone chatter I tried to evade. The trees a hard drive where squirrels hide those of importance. The woodpeckers copy the repetitive stapler tapping that so often made me wish to jump out the ten story window. Ants march one by one in the horrid commute my car and I too must endure. The tree sap is the flavorless black coffee that offends my taste buds each morning come. The leaves are billboards advertising the best new place to dine for insects and critters. In their branches lies the many offices that so plague the world with charts and data and countless hours of analysis. The grass lines the ground as the out of date shag carpeting my superior insists on decorating the rooms with. The acorns are the constantly  dropped push pins that far to often find their way into my leather sole. The fox is my heartless boss keeping everyone in line. The sloth sleeps during all waking hours as my lazy coworker who rarely bothers to show up. The mockingbird is our gossipy receptionist always spewing hot air. The dear are the boring accounting department that don't find humor in anything besides numbers and decimal points. The sneaky snake is the underhanded government taking such large amounts of my insufficient salary. The cool breeze is the frigid air that always chills the back of my neck due to the broken thermostat. The crickets chirp on and on by the water cooler about the latest shenanigans of Jerry and George. The bunny is that annoying intern that always traps me into conversation. And the mushroom, how I hate the mushroom, the guy always stealing my lunch out of the community fridge. I came here to find serenity and quiet, but this represents everything I've grown to hate. This forrest is no different from my office at all. And with this new found knowledge of nature I rushed back to the concrete jungle, where they pay me to put up with such trespasses. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue #5

PALS mentor elementary students

Juniors and seniors that are members of PALS work with elementary students. They're goal is to encourage and help the kids with any difficulties they're having. It both helps the younger kids and teaches the high schoolers about leadership and different perspectives.
Who: PALS of Bowie
What: mentor elementary kids
Where: at school
Why: to teach Bowie students about role modeling and to encourage elementary students
When: currently
How: by working on projects and supporting elementary students
Quoted: Amy Cox, Alejandro Garcia, Hartman,
Strongest Quote: "...they demonstrate strength and motivate me to step out of my comfort zone too."
Keep Reading: Yes
Conclusion-Quote or Statement: Quote

Freshman prepares for a school life across the sea                      

Freshman Maya Levee is applying to be a foreign exchange student. She wants to go to Spain to experience the culture and learn Spanish. Becoming a foreign exchange student is a lengthy process and she doesn't know how long she wants to be in Spain for. Her family and friends will miss her if she leaves, but they know it will be a great experience
Who: Maya Levee
What: is applying to be a foreign exchange student
Where: Spain
Why: she wants to experience the culture
When: next year
How: by joining the student exchange program
Quoted: Maya Levee, Sophie Bega, Andrew Chadha, Jean Frazier
Strongest Quote: "Maya has a very versatile disposition, making her a great candidate to adjust to her new surroundings."
Keep Reading: Yes
Conclusion-Quote or Statement: Quote

Seniors receive nostalgia with four-year-old letters 

Seniors had to write letters to their future selves during their freshman year. They received the letters during their senior year. Many seniors were surprised by how much they changed over the years. Mrs. Blevins stores all senior letters in her room.
Who: Bowie seniors
What: received freshman letters
Where: Bowie High School
Why: to see how much they've changed through the years
When: every year; just happened for this year's seniors
How: Mrs. Conroy distributes
Quoted: Patricia Conroy, Shari Blevins, Kandice Cox, Angelica Saenz
Strongest Quote: "The letter showed me that I can do something to change my life and make it better."
Keep Reading: Yes
Conclusion-Quote or Statement: Quote 

Baseball plays it safe

It takes a lot of time and preparation for the Bowie Baseball Team to prepare for their games. The team hopes to make improvement before the next games come around. Some Bowie players have gone on to play for college teams.
Who: Bowie Baseball Team
What: hopes to make improvements
Where: Bowie
Why: they want to be first in the district
When: this baseball season
How: by practicing and planning ahead
Quoted: Samuel Degelia, William Gawlik
Strongest Quote: "Baseball is just like life, It's not always fair, but it will teach you lessons."
Keep Reading: Yes
Conclusion-Quote or Statement: Quote 

Band director set to move to a new school at year's end 

Bowie Band director Kim Shuttlesworth will be moving to a new school at the year's end. She is starting the program at a brand new high school on the outskirts of Austin. She has led the Bowie band for many years, and helped them earn numerous awards.
Who: Kim Shuttlesworth
What: is leaving Bowie
Where: Bowie
Why: to direct band at a newer school
When: next school year
How: by taking a job at the new school
Quoted: Kim Shuttlesworth, Gianna Nuckols, Lauren Anderson, Danny Cruz
Strongest Quote: "...she was there for me not only as a mentor, but also as a friend."
Keep Reading: Yes
Conclusion-Quote or Statement: Quote

Invasion privacy

Strongest Quote:
Keep Reading:
Conclusion-Quote or Statement:

Strongest Quote:
Keep Reading:
Conclusion-Quote or Statement:

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

CE 5.3

Current Events Quiz

1. AISD and the City of Austin are working together to increase the funding used toward education. A proposed idea is to introduce a limited tax swap, where certain educational services would be city funded, and the district would pay less to the state.
2. It will 8 take years for California and NYC to raise the minimum wage to $15.
3. Villanova won the NCAA Men's Basketball tournament last night with a score of 77-74.
4. I want to visit India because there is so much culture, and I have never been to that part of the world.
5. I don't like the idea of Instagram expanding videos because I use Instagram to scroll through pictures and read messages just to get an idea of what everyone is up to.

Short Answer:
The major Democratic candidates in the race are Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, and the major Republican candidates are Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. I was supporting Marco Rubio, but currently I am not supporting any candidates. I'm not supporting anyone because I agree with every candidate on certain issues, but I don't share major ideals with any of the current candidates. I think the country will become more divided after this election. There are so many contrasting ideas that large groups of people will be upset no matter who wins. I am concerned with economic issues, especially if Bernie Sanders gets elected. I'm slightly worried my Mexican boyfriend will get deported if Trump gets elected, even though he is a legal resident and almost a citizen. The big topics are immigration, terrorism, and wage gaps. The issue of terrorism is really important to me because it is a major issue and threatens the wellbeing of many lives.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Sports Current Event

Dell Match Play Championship:
Successful debut leads to return to Austin in '17

There was a World Golf Championship (Dell Match Play) held at the Austin Country Club this past weekend. The tournament was such a success that they want to hold the same event in Austin next year. 

greens, drivable par-4's 

blue, iconic, great, well, nice, important, happy, remote, positive, picturesque, good, big

The article is a recap. It talks about the golf tournament last weekend, its success, and the outcome. The article includes the names of all the players that have one the Match Play tournament in previous years through present day. 

Sports Exploration Activity

Serena Williams, Women's Tennis

Top 5 players and ranking: Women's Tennis Singles

This 2016 season so far, Serena Williams has had 13 victories and 3 losses during singles matches. The season started on January 5th, and is still in progress. Williams is currently competing for the Hopman Cup, a major tennis tournament. Agnieszka Radwanska of Poland won the 2015 Hopman Cup, while Williams came in second.

1. All players are put into groups, and they will play 3 others in their group in a round robin format.
2. Two countries will play each other in 3 matches; women's singles, men's singles, and doubles.
3. When a team whens 2 of the 3 matches, they have one the session. 

Tennis Jargon:
Ace- This is when the ball is served and the returner never hits it. The server gets a point. 
Love- This is when a player has zero points. 
Drop Shot- This is a weak shot that drops just over the net. 

Tennis Cliches: 
Tennis commentators will say things like, "experience made the difference." I think it would be better to say, "they've improved overtime," or, "her experience really helped her win this match."

Billie Jean King is a female tennis legend. She was born on November  22, 1943. She attended California State University. She played for the United States team at many Grand Slam events. She has 129 titles, and earned $1,966,487 in prize money. She won a career record of 20 titles at Wimbledon, and she was the fifth woman in history to win all four singles Grand Slam titles in 1972. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Spring Break :))

My spring break was amazing. My friend Alex, who I met over the summer and stayed in touch with, came to stay with us for four days over break. He's from Brownsville, and I wanted to show him what Austin had to offer. We went to SXSW and saw many great performers. He had never seen a concert before. We saw The Killing Floor and were right up against the stage. We went up and down South Congress and walked through the shops. I bought a handmade metal statue of a man playing guitar from Gifted because it reminded me of a Picasso book I adored when I was younger. We took pictures at the "i love you so much" wall and other famous Austin locations. Later, we went to the Capitol building and looked at all the portraits and rooms. We ate at Gueros, and went to Big Top Candy Shop. The next day, we went to Lake Travis. We swam and tubed all day off my parents' boat. We ate at the Gnarly Gar. We also watched movies and hung out at classic Austin locations. My mom was pretty mad at first when I told her a boy they've never met from a border town was coming to stay with us, but by the end of the trip, my whole family wanted him to stay.
During the break, my family and I went on our annual camping trip at Garner State Park. My friends Amelie and Brady and their families were with me. We went in a big group of about ten families. We swam and went paddle boarding. We went on two exhausting mountain hikes, and I could barely keep up. We stayed up talking and laughing by the camp fire every night. Every meal was cooked over the fire, and the adults kept us well fed. The cooked cinnamon buns, bacon, eggs, steak, hot dogs, hamburgers, stew, roast, and even steaks. We would roast marshmallows by the fire and tell stories every night. We also played some extremely competitive games of volleyball. Even though we all got sunburned badly, I had a lot of fun spending time with them.
I worked two shifts at Austin Scoops during the break. One was at SXSW, before Alex had come to town. I was working in the food trailer in front of the SXSW stage: The Yard. I even got to meet some of the performers. The two guys in the band Flor bought ice cream and tipped me four dollars, which is a lot more than people usually tip. I also served ice cream to a nice British man, and I didn't realize until later that he was the base player for The Crookes.
I spent the one day in between work, camping, and Alex with my friends Ivan and Anna. We hung out at the park, Starbucks, and HEB. I was pretty busy all of spring break, but I made time to read the first half of the book novel. It's about a boy on trial for murder and is extremely hard to put down. I haven't finished it yet, but I would highly recommend it.
I had a great spring break and I'm so glad a packed a lot in one break.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Magazine Peer Review

1. The magazine is Austin Dog Monthly by Katie.
2. I really like how the orange font stands out and the photo is an adorable action shot of a puppy.
3. They could've moved the text so it didn't cover so much of the dog's face and neck.
4. I picked the cover because I really like dogs and I like how the photo filled the entire page.
5. The bar code is in the lower left corner, and it is the correct size and place.
6. I would pick up this magazine because the photo is visually appealing and the story teasers are interesting to dog owners.
7. It looked like a portrait.

1. The magazine is Mode by Fanny.
2. I like the color scheme with gray and white and the stand out title color.
3. The teasers could have been in a little bit larger font.
4. I picked the cover because I like its modern design.
5. The barcode is in the lower right, and is in the correct size and place.
6. I might not read this magazine because all the stories seemed somewhat similar.
7. It was a portrait.

1. The magazine is Vagabond by Kelly.
2. I like how artsy the cover is and the teasers are creative and interesting.
3. The title is hard to find and read, but I like how unique it is.
4. I picked the cover because it is colorful and fun.
5. The barcode is in the lower right, and it is the correct size and place.
6. I would pick up this magazine because the stories seem very interesting.
7. It was a self portrait.


Friday, March 4, 2016

Other High School Newspapers

1. Lafayette's the Image had my favorite magazine cover. It had a large picture of many colored pencils, with one higher and sticking out from the others. I really like this because it is a very creative way to get through their message of uniqueness.
2. The North High Oracle immediately grabbed my attention. It had a picture of a mysterious tunnel system with the text, "What You Don't Get To See," in large font. It gives the idea of there being something worth knowing about and made me curious.
3. My favorite headline was the Hanford Altitude's, "Cannabis Culture." The headline gives a clear indication of the story, while the alliteration makes it phonetically appealing.
4. There are no stories on the cover of my favorite, but three lines of text summarizing the ideas of a main story.
5. The newspapers are all either poster magazine cover style with very few words, or contain a few stories in their entirety with a dominating picture. Every cover was either based on one very large picture, or was fairly text heavy.
6. The school newspapers varied between magazine and typical newspaper covers. About half stuck to the common above the crease rule of newspaper, while magazine covered ones didn't take the rule into account with the picture. The magazine covered newspapers had less words in a much larger font.
7. The large amount of poster covers is extremely dissimilar to the newspapers of the world. Most of the world newspapers had multiple stories on their cover, and the pictures were their own box- without text layered on top.

The Growl
Blue & Gold

The Oracle

The Viking
Beak 'n' Eye

Headlines-a heading at the top of an article or page in a newspaper or magazine.
Subheadlines-a heading given to a subsection of a piece of writing.(below headline)
Lines-something arranged along a line, especially a straight line.(words)
Boxes- part of a page of a newspaper or periodical set off in some manner, as by lines, a border, or white space.
Photos-a photograph.
Teaser-A short item, a headline, or photo with caption referring to or promoting a news article or feature on inside pages.
Flag-a statement printed in all issues of a newspaper, magazine, or the like, usually on the editorial page, giving the publication's name, the names of the owner and staff, etc.

Folios-a single numbered sheet of paper from a newspaper.
Captions-a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration, cartoon, or poster.
Stories-a news report of any length, usually presented in a straightforwardstyle and without editorial comment.

Bylines-a line in a newspaper naming the writer of an article.
Jumps-To continue a story on another page; text that's been continued on another page is called the jump.
Story dividers-lines that divide two different stories. 

Screens-A pattern of tiny dots used to create gray areas; to screen a photo is to turn it into a halftone.
Newsroom slang for "informational graphic"; any map, chart or diagram used to analyze an event, object or place.
Masthead/staff box-A two-meaning term: (1) a listing of executives, staff, operating and circulation data, or (2) the nameplate title at the top of Page One.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Front Pages of the World

1. My favorite newspaper front page was The New Indian Express. I like how the text was clear and legible with a moderately large headline, but not a huge one. I also liked how the text outweighed the images, but the images were images and political cartoons that went well with the story. It makes it so the reader can understand what's going on quickly.
2. My favorite headline is "House Falls as AIADMK Guns for Chidambaram, Karti." I like how it shows the story will be about political turmoil, and I also like how the story itself is broken into categories to further simplify the story they communicate.
3. There are three main stories, and then also three small "continued on..." stories on my favorite newspaper cover.
4. The newspapers all had headlines that were at least 3x the size of the normal text. They all seemed to have pictures and text, with most being more heavily text based.
5. Some differences were that a lot more of the Asian newspapers have advertisements on the front. Most of the American newspapers I've seen use the back for advertisements. Another difference is that some of the styles went for a poster cover type look with a very large picture and a headline, but very little other words. Many parts of U.S. and Europe were more based on taken photographs, while Asian and African magazines use more computer generated graphs and political cartoons to convey information.

Horrors of Childhood

Please do submit

China Doll

China Doll, China Doll
Close your painted eyes 
Ceramic smiles
A petty child
Treasures as their prize

China Doll, China Doll
Such a pretty dress
You hide the scuffs 
Of playtime roughs 
Child's scornful crest 

China Doll, China Doll 
Lovely is your hair 
Your daylight locks 
Sweet goldilocks 
Held by vicious bear 

China Doll, China Doll
Dry your painted eyes
His sinful hand 
Of you demands
Stifled, broken cries 

China Doll, China Doll
Move your tiny feet
And run as far
Able you are
Aid in his defeat

China Doll, China Doll
Your sash snags the gate 
He pulls the strings
And you he slings 
Sealing morbid fate

China Doll, China Doll
Porcelain so fine
In shattered chips 
And tiny bits 
Devastating shrine 

China Doll, China Doll
We weep in the night
For kind and class
Could not surpass
Smothered by their spite

CE 5.1

1. For the Democrats, Hilary Clinton is at 68% in Texas, and Bernie Sanders is at 31%. For the Republicans, Ted Cruz is at 41% in Texas, and Donald Trump is at 28%.
2. Six hundred students would benefit from the couple's donation.
3. Savara Pharmaceuticals will use their $20 million to fund the trials of an inhalable drug for cystic fibrosis patients.
4. I would be interested in watching, "The Teller and the Truth."
5. The Baylor women's basketball team beat the UT women's team 74-48. The Kansas men's basketball team beat the UT men's team 67-37.
6. I do not think Apple should be forced to create a backdoor for information stored in consumers' iPhones. I think it is a severe violation of privacy, and though it can be justified to look at a criminal suspects data, this treats every iPhone owner as a criminal. I think a more fair method would be if there is a suspect, the FBI must request access from Apple for that individuals information. Also, if there is a backdoor, there is a chance more than the FBI will access it. I don't have anything to hide, but I would not be okay with someone else seeing my private information. National security is not a justified enough reason to compromise every innocent individual's privacy. My parents don't monitor my phone, but they follow me on social media. I don't think parents should monitor their child's phone, unless the child has done something to compromise their trust. I think about 5th or 6th grade is a good age to expose them to phones because they are getting older and will soon be going out into the world.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Magazines Part II

Early Magazine covers typically had very few words. They were known to have the title of the magazine, the publication information, and possibly a generic picture. They were very similar to book covers. Very few had cover lines.

Poster Cover magazines had little to no words aside from the title of the magazine. The cover had one large image to summarize the content of the magazine. The covers usually consist of one picture/painting/drawing of one specific person or think. The image was up close enough to show details of the person. The one picture is colorful or interesting.

Pictures Married to Type magazine covers have a good ratio of picture to text. The model's face overlaps (or is overlapped by) the title in some way. The model is still the subject of the cover, but the text is easy to read and in the sides and bottom of the cover. The story tags will likely overlap the model, but not in away that completely distracts eyes from the subject.

In the Forest of Words magazines have a lot going on in their cover. They start with an intriguing or unusual picture that grabs the readers attention. The covers are also extremely content heavy. The text  overlaps some or much of the subject. The content usually doesn't cover the subject's face, but will likely cover part of their body.

My Favorite Cover


I really like the way their is a lot going on in this photo, but Lady Gaga's face is the center of attention. Their are definite leading lines with the neckpiece leading our eyes to her face. I also like how there is a lot of light directed toward her face, which illuminates her and creates an angelic picture. This is also a fill the fame cover. All the space is used up by either her body, the neckpiece, and the text. The fact that the neckpiece is cut out creates a really unique, 3D element for the picture. It is interesting to look at, and the pink and white color scheme compliment each other well. Her expression is somewhat happy, but also gives the impression that she is picturing something, so it sparks the curiosity of, "I wonder what she's imagining." 

Best magazine covers 2016.

1. The Advocate, formal
2. Wired, formal
3. ESPN, informal
4. The New Yorker, environmental
5. OUT, formal
6. Harper's Bazaar, formal
7. ESPN, formal
8. New York, formal
9. The Atlantic, formal
10. FamilyFun, environmental      
11. Harper's Bazaar, formal
12. Vanity Fair, formal
13. Variety, formal
14. New York, informal
15. Men's Health, formal
16. Bloomberg's Businessweek, formal
17. Golf Digest, formal
18. Kinfolk, formal

Magazine Tips

5 things to think about when designing a magazine cover...

1. Arouse the curiosity of the reader/potential buyer.
2. Have a visually appealing cover.
3. Make the tags for the inside content make the magazine seem interesting.
4. Make sure it is clear and easy to understand quickly.
5. Make sure it seems worth their money.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Prompt Shoot #2




C.E. #4.3

1.  Five things we should know about the Zika virus are that an Austin man contracted it and the type of mosquito that carries it is found in Travis county, it can cause birth defects if a pregnant woman is bitten, the virus is active in saliva and urine, pregnant women are at risk, and there is no vaccine for the virus.
2. Fort Hood is promoting renewable energy by installing a massive solar farm and investing in a wind farm.
3. The three top paying jobs that don't require a college degree are licensed practical nurses, electricians, and construction and building inspectors.
4. The Denver Broncos beat the Carolina Panthers with a score of 24-10.
5. In the Webb Report, the "Stolen Miley Sex Doll..." story was the most interesting because it seems crazy and weird that a crime like that would happen, but it was intriguing to hear about what happened. The sub headlines of the six stories there are, Report: Corpus Christi nabs cyclist who had it in his backpack, Horns Up, McConaughey, Jaime Harris at Cactus Cafe, Start Your Engines, #nofilter, Ash Almonte at Russell Collection Fine Art Gallery, Chi’lantro and Infinite Monkey Theorem dinner, and Antonelli’s Free Cheese Week. 

6. Flight of the Angel was my favorite photo. I like how there was a clear subject, and she was slightly off center. The expression of happiness also adds to the photo showing the mood of the festivities. Battling the Blaze had the most interesting stuff going on in the photo. It showed a firefighter in active duty after a hotel and restaurant caught fire. The photographer included the smoke, flames, firefighter, and part of the firetruck and a house in the photo. I thought the photo Cruz in Control was the most boring photo. It was a simple, centered shot, and not a lot of emotion came through in the photo. I think they could've found a more creative angle, and caught him at a better expression. To the Victor Goes the Spoils had the most interesting subject. It feature Kerber after her victory in the women's tennis final, and there is a lot of mood and emotion showed in this photo. 

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Portraits and Self Portraits


1. Change the Format Framing-Just because a vertical framing is called ‘portrait’ mode doesn’t mean you always need to use it when shooting portraits. Mix your framing up in each shoot that you do and you’ll add variety to the type of shots you take.

2. Experiment with Subject Expressions-In some portraits it is the expression on the face of your subject that makes the image. Get your subject to experiment with different moods and emotions in your image. Play with extreme emotions. 

Environmental Portrait
I like how the woman and the rock she is sitting on stand out, but you can still clearly see the nature behind her. I also think her expression added a lot to the picture.

Photography Self Portrait
I like how his face really fills the frame, and his expression and the black and white color scheme come together to make a very dramatic and visually appealing photo. 

Casual Portrait
I really like how natural and pretty this photo is, and her expression seems genuine. It definitely looks like she wasn't being forced to smile for a picture. 

1. Environmental portraits incorporate what the world is like around the subject, whether its nature, their city, or even their work environment. 
2. Environmental portraits incorporate more of the background and look like they have very precise expressions. Casual portraits are closer to the subject, and they look like they are capturing a casual moment. 
3. I will need to take photos close to the subject so they are the center of attention, and play around with different angles and backgrounds to take a really creative photo.
4. I want to try to do a portrait from bird's eye view with a subject laying on the ground. I think I'll have my friend McKenna be in my portrait. I want to try to incorporate props into photos, and I want to do mirror self portrait. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Photo Manipulation and Ethics

A. Many news sources in the Middle East photoshop or manipulate images, which is considered a terminal offense by most U. S. daily newspapers. Photos were manipulated to make a rocket launch look more successful, a man was cropped out of the middle of a picture, and female politicians were replace by men.

B. I think this type of photo editing is unethical because it changes the event, and it gives a false portrayal of how the event happened. It is the same as passing false data as true in a written news story.

I think this photo is the most unethical because it implies something that never happened. The title tells what a story is about, and the photo shows a debate that didn't happen. The photo out right tells false information.
I think this photo manipulation is the most ethical because it does not change the story, and does not transmit too much false data. Newsweek wasn't trying to perpetrate false data, I think it was more to save her from embarrassment or make the cover more visually appealing. I think not too unethical because it doesn't change the overall article or idea. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Aperture, Shutter Speed, and ISO

F 2.8

F 16+
Image result for f 32 photo setting

1. We could closely relate the aperture to the pupil.
2. The smaller the Aperture, the higher the f-top, and the larger the Aperture, the lower the f-top.
3. Depth of Field: A large Aperture makes the subject stand out and the backdrop behind the subject is more blurry. Smaller apertures show more details of everything in the photo. Larger Apertures let more light come through.

High Shutter Speed

Slow Shutter Speed

Bulldogs and Hotdogs: Good Light
a) high
b) high
c) high
d) slow
e) slow
f) slow
Bulldogs and Hotdogs: Dark
a) high
b) high
c) high
d) slow
e) high
f) high

3 Shutter Settings
Aperture Priority-it sets the shutter speed for you based on the aperture you choose.
Shutter Priority-it sets the aperture based on the shutter speed you choose.
Manual-you choose both the aperture and shutter speed.

ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. It would be good to use a higher ISO at basketball or night football game because it takes faster pictures to capture motion and is good for low lighting.
2. The author made suggestions about using a high ISO to take pictures in good lighting when the subject was fairly still if you don't want a blurred image.
3. The author made suggestions about using a low ISO when there was low lighting, it was capturing motion, and the picture would not be distorted by the graininess.

Canon Camera
Aperture Settings-2.8, 4, 5.6, 8, 11, 16, 22
Shutter Settings-1, 1/60, 1/4000
ISO Settings-100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800, 25600

Sunday, January 31, 2016

CE 4.2

1. Austin ISD has an enrollment of 83,591 students.
2. Big Ben National Park would be swapping 607 acres of public land for 1,185 acres of private land from the neighboring LaMota Ranch.
3. The Pantone colors of the year are Rose Quartz and Serenity blue.
4. I don't know anyone who just colors for fun. I think it's a cool new trend, and it's good when people find relaxing and enjoyable activities that work for them.
5. I would like to see the Mass Gallery's "Staycation" exhibits because I love looking at art, and there are many really talented local artists in Austin.

The major cause of global warming is human emissions of greenhouse gases. A consequence of global warming is that the air can hold more water vapor, creating more intense rainstorms. Rain has been growing heavier across every region of the United States, especially the East. Higher global temperature will throw off world wide weather patterns. I am worried about global warming, but it is an issue that is hard to relate to because you can't always directly see the damage. We as a society could start going more green by using low emission vehicles, conserving energy usage, and carpooling to work or school. I do think global warming is a major issue facing the world today, but I think terrorism and human rights issues should have precedent over global warming.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Free Write

The doctor put a hand on her arm and said gently, "You or the baby will survive. Not both. I'm sorry."

He reduced me to tears twice that year
Once because I bore a child
Twice because we wouldn't meet
I wept for Emma, or Charles, still to be determined
His apology rung hollow
A raindrop to my flames
The fate of two lives rested in my hands
Was it my fear of the unknown
Was it to spare her the pain of cruel existence
Or was it my human need for self preservation
That led to her untimely demise
It was my traits alone that faulted her
Emma wasn't petty
Never burned a bridge
Or harmed another
And still I,
I of greed and envy
I of fear and sorrow
I of hatred of what I fail to understand
Evaded the call of death
While my angel perished
I would've cared for her
We would waste day after day together
I would serenade her under the peach tree
Where her father rests
Now the two crosses lay in its shade
My fingers trace the freshly disturbed dirt
The most beautiful girl
Who never lived
As I fastened the knot
And readied the cross
A smile pushed through my lips
They were waiting for me
Our perfect family would be complete
And I mustn't keep them waiting

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Prompt Shoot #1 Edits


Prompt Shoot #1





Photography Composition

Simplicity- This photo shows simplicity because the tower is the clear subject and it is up against a simple back drop. 

Rule of Thirds- This photo shows rule of thirds because the subject is in the top third of the photo instead of being centered. 
Leading Lines- This photo shows leading lines because the paths of smoke lead your eye to the subject. 
Balance- This photo shows balance the American flag balances out the rubble sticking up in the background. 
Framing- This photo shows framing because the man is framed by the ground and the buildings on each side of him.

Merger- This photo has a merger because it looks like the light is on top of or going through the firefighter's head. 
 Symmetry and Patterns- This photo shows symmetry and patterns because the straight lines running down the building repeat.
Viewpoint- This photo shows viewpoint because it shows the scene from a bird's eye view instead of a basic forward shot from ground level. 
Create Depth- This photo shows depth because it includes the city behind the Twin Towers, and it shows the horizon. 
Cropping- This shows cropping because the photo only shows part of the tree, and this makes it so we get a closer look at the subject.